A 40 year old man and woman with text that reads "get back in shape after 40"

3 Tips for Getting Back In Shape After 40

You may have noticed that it is particularly challenging to get back in shape once you enter your fourth decade of life.

Many of my clients come to me because they need a little extra focused direction.

The fitness class at your local boutique gym just doesn’t cut it when you need a tailored strategy specific to your unique needs.

These 3 simple tips will help you get back on track and help you start feeling young, confident, and healthy again.

1.) Start Slow 

I know it seems counterintuitive to start modestly when you really want to change your life around.

But the truth is, if you go from not exercising at all to working out 5 days per week, you will probably get hurt and burned out.

I have witnessed so many individuals attempt to go from a sedentary lifestyle to gym maniac, and it always ends in failure.

The best approach is to start slowly and titrate your ‘exercise dose’ reasonably.

If you have not exercised in years, it will be best to begin with a low frequency and intensity.

For example, 2 days of a brisk walk and 2 days of light strength training.

Then, you can gradually increase the intensity and duration of your exercise sessions. 

2.) Build your Aerobic Base

One of the hallmarks of aging is a poor metabolism. 

Once you enter your fourth decade of life, you won’t be able to process food the way you used to when you were younger.

The old adage of a ‘slowed metabolism’ has some truth.

However, you can actually train your metabolism to become more efficient.

Ultimately, a more efficient metabolism results in less fat storage, lower blood sugar levels, and higher energy levels.

The way you improve your metabolism is by building your aerobic base. 

Or, in other words, becoming more aerobically trained.

The best way to train your aerobic energy system is through low-intensity cardiovascular exercise for long durations of time.

I have written extensively about this topic in depth if you want to read more.

But in sum, performing 3-4 days of low-intensity (defined as a heart rate of 180-your age) cardio for 60-minutes will drastically improve your metabolism.

From a biological perspective, you can essentially reverse your metabolic age a couple of decades if you take it seriously!

And don’t worry, 60-minutes may seem like an eternity but maintaining a heart rate of (180-your age) during your cardio session is a lot easier than you would expect.

Many people can achieve this heart rate by briskly walking when they first start!

3.) Start Strength Training

This one can’t be overstated enough.

Sarcopenia or muscle loss is a byproduct of aging, and if you are not doing anything to slow the process, you will be left very frail by the time you hit your seventh decade of life. 

I’m sure you have noticed that you lack the same muscle tone as when you were 20.

And while you may not be 20 anymore, you can build a ton of your muscle tissue back.

I have even witnessed clients put on more muscle at age 50 than they had at age 20, believe it or not!

Strength training will not only make you look a lot younger, it is a cheap insurance policy when it comes to preventing one of the leading causes of death in the senior population – falling.

Build up your muscle reserve now and think about it like a retirement savings account.

Never once in the history of humanity was there an individual that uttered the words at age 90 – “Gee, I wish I had less muscle mass.”

Next Steps

Personal Trainer Jakob Roze sitting on a bench in Stone Ridge New York

Focusing on the three aforementioned strategies is 50% of the battle. 

The final 50% comes down to accountability. 

You need someone that is going to make sure you don’t quit.

I work exclusively with a small roster of clients and have close relationships with all of them.

This lets me understand their needs and make sure they always have someone to call upon when they are working to improve their health.

I have worked with some of the world’s top-performing CEOs, entertainers, and entrepreneurs to improve their health.

I will guide you each step of the way and execute a tailored strategy to get you back in shape and get you feeling younger and confident again.

You can learn more about my coaching options here.

I look forward to hearing from you!

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