When you hit your middle-age years, it’s no secret that your energy levels start to decline.
Naturally, you want to know how to boost your energy levels.
All of my clients noticed that right about the age 40 mark, they had a major shift in energy levels.
They just didn’t feel as young as they did even just 5 years ago.
Their job and families consume most of their time and they put their health and fitness on the back burner.
They came to me looking for solutions on how to feel better and younger.
In this article, I want to share with you how to boost your energy levels so that you can start feeling sharper and younger again just like all my clients have.
The After-40 Solution
You see, each individual’s life circumstances are unique and there is no way to pinpoint the exact reason that your energy levels are low.
So instead of focusing on the why, it’s much better to start focusing on solutions that you can act on.
The first thing I have all of my clients do when we start working together is begin strength training.
That’s because after age 40, your metabolism starts to slow down and you gradually start losing muscle mass.
The less muscle mass you have, the slower your metabolism becomes.
When your metabolic rate increases, you will generally notice that your energy levels also increase.
Solution 1: Strength Training
So the first thing you need to do before anything is to get back in the gym and start strength training.
Look, I know your schedule is busy and you have lots of work meetings and after-work events to attend – but you need to find time to hit the gym if you want to increase your energy levels.
The New York Times did a great quick piece on exercise motivation that you can check out here.
Even if it is just 30 minutes at lunch, it’s going to make a massive difference.
That’s your first commitment.
Solution 2: Diet

Then, you need to start paying attention to your diet.
I know that’s the last thing on your mind with work and all of the family stuff but if you don’t start paying attention to your diet, you are always going to feel tired.
You can boost your energy levels by committing to eating an appropriate amount.
How do you know how much you need to eat?
You need to start tracking your calories.
A tool like myfitnessspal is a simple food log that lets you see how many calories the foods you are eating are costing you.
It will also give you a number of calories to eat in order to lose fat.
That’s called your calorie deficit.
If boosting your energy levels is your primary goal, then you’ll need to boost your metabolism and lose fat.
The best way to do that is by tracking your calories.
It’s super simple because it’s like managing a bank account.
You have a certain amount that you can spend each day and your job is to not go over that number.
I’m sure you have experience managing a stock portfolio or anything money-related and this is no different.
It takes two seconds to add your meal into myfitnesspal.
Solution 3: The Right Foods

The next thing you are going to want to do in order to boost your energy levels is to fill those calories with the right foods.
Which foods are the right foods?
The ones that keep you in your budget.
That means you can really be flexible in what you eat as long as you don’t go over your calories for the day.
I get that you do a lot of entertaining and you can’t always be eating salads but what you can do, is budget your calories accordingly.
This means that even if you go out for a work dinner or throw a party at the beach house and invite all your friends, you can still budget what you eat.
If your friends are coming over for the evening then you know you need to save up for that social gathering.
It’s sort of like buying stocks.
You’re going to wait to buy the dip until the right moment so you don’t spend all your funds on an overvalued option.
The same concept applies to timing your food intake.
Don’t blow your budget on lunch when you have your friends coming over for dinner.
Aside from budgeting your calories, it would also help if you start capitalizing on foods with lots of protein and volume.
These foods are lower in calories and let you eat more food without spilling over on your daily calories.
I have several quick recipe videos about this which you can check out.
How to Boost Your Energy Levels : Review
Okay so all in all, your first three commitments to boosting your energy levels are:
Start strength training.
Start tracking your calories.
Start filling your calories with high protein and volume meals.
I’ll leave you with a quick story about one of my clients.
We’ll call him Dave for anonymity purposes.
Dave came to me looking for solutions to age-related changes he was beginning to notice in his body.
He was starting to notice that he was carrying more belly fat and had less energy and less drive.
He’s an investment banker and his job is super high stress and he barely had enough time to spend with his kids and wife.
The only real quality time they get together is at the beach house in the Hamptons for 3 weeks a year during the summertime.
By the time they got to the beach house, he was exhausted from the previous month at work and just didn’t feel present with his family.
Dave knew he had to do something about his declining health and weight gain because it was starting to affect his family life and so we immediately started him on a strength training and diet program.
At first, it was challenging for him to make the time for the gym and healthy eating.
But as he started noticing major boosts in his energy levels and the way his body was looking, he got hooked.
And the moment he got hooked on the feeling of being confident and healthy again was the moment his life changed forever.
He was no longer going to be the guy in his friend group carrying 20 pounds more than he should.
Nor was he going to be the father that didn’t have the energy to play with his kids after work.
After committing to an exercise and diet program for 3 months, Dave lost 20 pounds and felt more energy than he had in even his early years as an analyst on Wall Street.
All this is to say that if Dave can do it, there is no reason that you can’t either.
It’s just going to take some commitment.
If you need any help with your process, I’d be happy to help you out.
Shoot me an email at jakob@rozefit.com or leave me a comment below.
This world is becoming increasingly digitized and I don’t like that personal relationships are becoming a thing of the past.
I’m here to help you on your journey, so seriously – reach out and I’ll get back to you.
Cheers for now.